Soon to come

; Name, Width, Height (Do not omit or alter) ; (Must be set to yes) ; URL where go optionally when clicked. If no link is used value should be set to "No" ; link opened in new frame?, Yes or No. ; The name of the frame to load "link" into. ; Statusbar message (anything you like) ; resolution (1 .. 8) ; Image to load ; File for scrolltext or "NO" ; Speed of waving (1..200) ; Perspective (1..100) ; Far waving intensity (1..10000) ; Wind intensity (1..20) ; Wind variation speed (0..200) ; Wind variation min (0..20) ; Wind variation max (0..20) ; File for scrolltext or "NO" ; Txtscroll y offset ; Txtscroll speed ; Txtscroll font name ; Txtscroll bold ("YES" or "NO") ; Txtscroll font size ; Txtscroll shadow ("YES" or "NO") ; Txtscroll color (red component) ; Txtscroll color (green component) ; Txtscroll color (blue component) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (red c.) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (green c.) ; Txtscroll shadow col. (blue c.) ; Txtscroll jump aplitude ; Txtscroll jump speed ; Txtscroll sineshape amplitude ; Txtscroll sineshape movement ; Txtscroll sineangle / pixel ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't suppor Java. ; Msg in no java browsers

Every site has a certain gift. Many gifts do not get opened.


Here you will be able to read about what will be happening in the near future, not only on this site but on partner sites and general happenings.



A big change is coming. The cube and the scrollers on the home page are taking up too much memory on many computers, and performance can suffer. I'll set up the new design then have a vote to find out what you all prefer.



I'm working on a downloads section, but I need some good stuff to put in it first.



Every computer user should have an email address. I am considering setting up one here, offering 3 times as much disk space as Hotmail.