A journey of a thousand pages begins with a single click


To the links page

Not high tech, not low tech, just-right tech.


This is where you will find a number of links to other sites. But you guessed that didn't you?

Note that none of these links contain adult material (that I am aware of)




Hotmail    -    Very popular. Only gives you 2MB of space though.

EmailFever    -    4MB of space. Nice interface.

Another.com    -    A whole 10MB of disk space. Choose from hundreds of domains. Up to 20 addresses on one account.




Microsoft Developer Network    -    Very good for visual programming languages.



Other stuff

Amused.com        -    don't I actually know anything about this.

thespark.com        -    take loads of online tests including the IQ test, the pregnancy test and the sex test.